When Lauren and I got married, there was some discussion on how our names would change. Lauren definitely wanted to keep Poulter as part of her name, but also wanted to add Glanzer, so she just added Glanzer to the end. I was hesitant to do any switching at first, but I figured if we one day have kids, it would be nice if all the last names matched, so I agreed to add Poulter to the middle of my name. Technically, for me, Poulter would just be a second middle name, whereas for Lauren it is the beginning of her last name. But to see them all written out they would look the same. Lauren promptly went in to the Social Security Administration and had her name legally changed.

I waited almost ten whole months before doing the same. I went down to the SSA office the other day and sat down with an agent and we attempted to add Poulter as a second middle name. Only one problem, however—Social Security cards will only allow 16 characters for the full middle name, and Christopher Poulter was 19. Something had to change.

To change a middle name is no big deal, but to change a first or last name is a big pain in the ass, so moving Christopher to be part of my first name was out of the question. The agent suggested shortening Christopher to Chris, but I didn’t like the way that sounded. I considered cutting three letters from Christopher and making it Cristfer, but that also looked ridiculous. Then I got a genious idea—cut Christopher off at the P and just add “oulter” to it. I would have a one-of-a-kind middle name in Christopoulter. But then my name wouldn’t match up with Lauren’s, or future children’s. The only logical thing to do was just abbreviate Christopher as C. As far as the government is concerned, I shall be known as Ryan C. Poulter Glanzer, but for everything else Christopher is spelled out. So yeah, that was fun.

Other News
Wednesday night, Patrick and I took in Travis Bolton’s new band’s show at the 501 Club. While Travis & Jonny are on hiatus, Tree Party is putting out a similar folk vibe. It was nice to chat with Treebsy, as I sometimes call Travis.

Lauren and I have been working hard on our food blog, with two more new posts due out this weekend. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t lately!

Last night we watched the latest movie in our Best Picture list, 1983’s Terms of Endearment, which I just reviewed over on my Best Picture blog.

Patrick and I also took in the new movie Cyrus at the Uptown Lagoon. Starring John C. Reilly, Jonah Hill, Marissa Tomei, and Catherine Keener, it was a good, fun romantic comedy. I am not certain but I think only five people had lines in the entire movie.

Crazy schedule coming up in the next week. We have lots of plans for the weekend including a BBQ, Rocky Horror midnight movie, and Twins game with DSU friends. Jordan and a nurse friend may visit town next week, and then we go to Toronto Thursday for the big Paisley-Shih wedding.